End-of-Session Affordable Housing Updates

May 13, 2019

During the 2019 Legislative session, several bills that would increase access to affordable housing for Montanans attracted significant support and interest. There were two primary pieces of legislation that MBPC supported, House Bill 16 and Senate Bill 18, related to funding the construction and preservation of low- and moderate- income housing.

MBPC was among the proponents who provided testimony in support of SB 18 in the Senate Committee on Taxation and provided committee members with county-level fact sheets from MBPC’s interactive housing map, which highlight housing needs in their respective communities. Although SB 18 did not pass, the bill advanced far into legislative process.

The impact of Montana’s 66th Legislative Session goes beyond the number of housing bills that passed. Affordable housing is a more robust part of the policy conversation, and there is momentum to take action. As the housing challenges that face everyday Montanans gain more attention at the state level, we expect future legislative bodies to prioritize housing solutions.

Montana Budget & Policy Center

Shaping policy for a stronger Montana.

MBPC is a nonprofit organization focused on providing credible and timely research and analysis on budget, tax, and economic issues that impact low- and moderate-income Montana families.