state tribal policy

State-Tribal Policy

MBPC has a special focus on State-Tribal Policy to promote sound fiscal and budget policy that can help reverse the history of economic injustice that has led many American Indians to unacceptable levels of poverty, unemployment, and poor health. We do conduct research on health care, education, and economic development in Indian Country to promote increased state investment in tribal communities. Our work aims to inform policymakers on how state tax and budget choices impact Indian Country, to increase the involvement of American Indian leaders in state budget advocacy, and reduce inequality across the state.

Medicaid Expansion in Indian Country: Improving the Health of Individuals and Communities

Medicaid is a critical resource for eligible American Indians who either have no insurance or are dealing with inadequate care through IHS’s rationed system. Medicaid expansion provided coverage to...

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Urban Indian Health Funding : An Unmet Need

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2023 State-Tribal Legislative Impacts

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Policy Basics: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

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Indigenous Representation in Redistricting

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Access to the Ballot: Uphold Democracy by Strengthening the Indigenous Vote

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Build Back Better Would Invest in Tribal and Urban Indian Communities

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2021 State-Tribal Legislative Impacts

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Medicaid Expansion in Indian Country: Improving the Health of Individuals and Communities

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Tourism Could Be an Economic Driver in Indian Country, With Focus and Investment

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Economic Development in Indian Country: A State Investment with Continued Returns

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An Outstanding Return on Investment: Tribal Colleges and Their Contributions to Montana

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Tribal Language Preservation Strengthens Communities But Needs Consistent Funding

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Policy Basics: Taxation Authority in Indian Country

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2020 State Budget Handbook for Indian Country

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Policy Basics: Jurisdiction in Indian Country

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The Coronavirus Pandemic Demands State Investment in Indian Country

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Policy Basics: Land Status of Indian Country

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Policy Basics: What Is Tribal Citizenship?

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Funding for Indian Country in the CARES Act

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Policy Basics: What Is Tribal Sovereignty?

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Community Health Aide Program: Frequently Asked Questions

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2019 State-Tribal Legislative Impacts

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Harsh Work and Reporting Requirements Could Disproportionately Hurt Indian Country

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Tourism Could Be an Economic Driver in Indian Country With Focus and Investment

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State Budget Handbook for Indian Country

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Medicaid Expansion in Indian Country: Improving the Health of Individuals and Communities

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Economic Development in Indian Country: A State Investment with Continued Returns

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Indian Country Suicide Prevention: A Critical Investment for our Communities

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Continued Preservation of Tribal Languages in Montana

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Breaking the Cycle: Reducing Recidivism by Improving Defense and Reentry Systems

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Tobacco Tax in Indian Country

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Jurisdiction, Justice Systems, and American Indians in Montana

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Criminal Justice Reinvestment in Montana: Improving Outcomes for American Indians

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Policy Basics: Taxes in Indian Country Part 2: Tribal Governments

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Policy Basics: Taxes in Indian Country Part 1: Individual Tribal Members

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2017 State-Tribal Legislative Impacts

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Indian Country Suicide Prevention: A Critical Investment for Our Communities

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Tourism Could Be an Economic Driver in Indian Country With Focus and Investment

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Economic Development in Indian Country: A State Investment with Continued Returns

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An Outstanding Return on Investment: Tribal Colleges and Their Contributions to Montana

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Continued Preservation of Tribal Languages in Montana

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Medicaid Expansion in Indian Country: Effective Strategies for Outreach and Enrollment

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2015 State Tribal Legislative Impacts

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Indian Country Economic Development Program

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Continued Preservation of Tribal Languages in Montana

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Montana’s Disproportionate Funding of Tribal College Students

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TAKING A SEAT AT THE TABLE: State Budget Handbook for Indian Country

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2013 State-Tribal Legislative Impacts

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Medicaid Expansion: A Good Deal for Indian Country

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Montana's Commitment to Economic Development in Indian Country

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Impacts of Sequestration on Indian Country

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SB 342: Preserving Montana's Tribal Language

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A Legacy of Inequality for American Indians in Montana

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Federal Stimulus Funding Available to Montana Tribes

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Montana Budget & Policy Center

Shaping policy for a stronger Montana.

MBPC is a nonprofit organization focused on providing credible and timely research and analysis on budget, tax, and economic issues that impact low- and moderate-income Montana families.