children education

Children and Education

All Montana children should have the opportunities and resources to thrive as they grow up. Supporting child well-being in our state means kids grow up in economically secure families, live in resilient communities, and meet developmental, health, and educational milestones. Investing state and local resources in our children and our schools produces short-term and long-term dividends for Montana’s families and economy as a whole. Access to quality education from early childhood, pre-Kindergarten, and through graduation increases opportunity for people of all income levels to achieve their goals in life.

Montana KIDS COUNT - County Data

County-specific information is some of the most needed and accessed data from Montana KIDS COUNT. It is used by local leaders as they make decisions for their communities, nonprofits or other groups...

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Where Do Kids Go After the School Bells Ring?

The demand for afterschool programs in Montana outpaces availability in communities. More Montana students would enroll in an afterschool program if one were available to them. For every child in an...

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Montana Children's Health Data Dashboard

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Montana’s Child Care System : Investments Needed to Support Families and Child Care Businesses

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Tuition Tax Credits: A Threat to Montana-Based Education Solutions

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Under the Surface: How Montana Can Support Families and Protect Kids During COVID

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The Coronavirus and Child Care: Montana Must Do More for Workers and Families

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Every Kid Counts: 2020 Census and the Importance of Including All Children

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Revenue: The Neglected Foundation for Kids’ Success

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Housing: An Overlooked Solution to Reducing Children in the Foster Care System

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Montana Families Rely on the Children’s Health Insurance Program: CHIP Facts

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House and Senate GOP Health Bills Endanger Healthy Montana Kids Program

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Continued Preservation of Tribal Languages in Montana

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Investing in Pre-K: Frequently Asked Questions

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Child Care in Montana: Access to Affordable and Quality Care

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Tuition Tax Credits: A Threat to Montana-Based Education Solutions

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Investing in Pre-K: Frequently Asked Questions

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Strengthening Families, Strengthening Our Economy: The Economic Benefits of Pre-Kindergarten

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The High Cost of Child Care: State Funding for Pre-K Would Benefit Montana Families

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Pre-Kindergarten: An Investment in Montana's Future

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Tax Credit Scholarships: A Threat to Montana-Based Education Solutions

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Budget Numbers Don't Add Up For Montana's Children

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Resources on Legislature's Preliminary Cuts to Education and Public Services

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Montana Budget & Policy Center

Shaping policy for a stronger Montana.

MBPC is a nonprofit organization focused on providing credible and timely research and analysis on budget, tax, and economic issues that impact low- and moderate-income Montana families.