The New House Health Care Plan Makes a Bad Bill Even Worse

Apr 27, 2017

While Montana still is without a congressional representative, the House is poised to vote on a bill tomorrow, which could result in 259,000 Montanans either losing their coverage or facing increased out-of-pocket costs for health insurance.

Press reports have indicated House leadership continues to try to cobble together votes to repeal ACA, and we could see a vote on a newer version of the GOP plan as early as tomorrow or Saturday. The revised version does nothing to address the 24 million Americans who will lose coverage or the cut of over $800 billion in federal Medicaid dollars. Instead, the amended GOP plan makes a bad bill even worse, in three ways:

This new bill is in no way a compromise or an improvement. Instead, it only further exacerbates the problems it would create for millions of Americans. This flawed proposal would: shift of over $3 billion in Medicaid costs to the state, end Montana’s bipartisan plan to expand Medicaid covering over 71,000 Montanans, and raise premiums and health care costs on tens of thousands of Montana families. D.C. politicians must take note – the GOP plan is a dangerous move that is wrong for Montana.

Montana Budget & Policy Center

Shaping policy for a stronger Montana.

MBPC is a nonprofit organization focused on providing credible and timely research and analysis on budget, tax, and economic issues that impact low- and moderate-income Montana families.