State-Tribal Policy


Medicaid Expansion in Indian Country: Improving the Health of Individuals and Communities

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Urban Indian Health Funding : An Unmet Need

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2023 State-Tribal Legislative Impacts

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Policy Basics: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

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Indigenous Representation in Redistricting

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Access to the Ballot: Uphold Democracy by Strengthening the Indigenous Vote

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Build Back Better Would Invest in Tribal and Urban Indian Communities

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2021 State-Tribal Legislative Impacts

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Blog Posts

Updates from the First State-Tribal Relations Interim Committee Meeting

On Monday, August 26, the State-Tribal Relations Committee (STRC) held its first meeting of the interim. During the 2001 legislative session, the Montana Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 10,...

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Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming Food Systems

The consequences of colonization on indigenous peoples and nations are well-documented and far-reaching, and food is no exception. As colonists and the federal government forcibly removed indigenous...

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International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2019: Year of Indigenous Languages

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MBPC Announces Daliyah Killsback as New State-Tribal Policy Outreach Coordinator

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It is Time to Decolonize Data

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End-of-Session State-Tribal Legislative Updates

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Traditional Tobacco, Commercial Tobacco and I-185

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It takes American Indian women 21 months to earn what white men make in 12

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Montana Budget & Policy Center

Shaping policy for a stronger Montana.

MBPC is a nonprofit organization focused on providing credible and timely research and analysis on budget, tax, and economic issues that impact low- and moderate-income Montana families.